Caribbean Riddims Radio Program Extends The People’s Politics Segment For Early Voting Push

SOUTH FLORIDA – “The People’s Politics with Attorney Marlon Hill” on Caribbean Riddims 3at3 on WHIM 1080AM will air for an extended hour (4pm-5pm) this Saturday, October 28th to discuss the 2016 elections and early voting.

The longstanding South Florida Caribbean oriented radio program, Caribbean Riddims will extend its popular public affairs segment “The People’s Politics with Attorney Marlon Hill” to review the top to bottom of all South Florida ballots in the upcoming General Elections on November 8, 2016.
In an effort to inform and drive more Caribbean Americans to the early voting polls, the extended hour of 4pm to 5pm will afford listeners an opportunity to call in with questions.
Listeners will also to hear from special guests, such as, Rosemary O’Hara, Sun Sentinel, Editorial Director, Marc Caputo of Politico, and representatives from Service Employees International Union (SEIU), and the Miami Dade Elections Department.
Listeners may call 305-644-1080 or listen online at to join the discussion or tweet comments (@1080theanswer @irieed @MarlonAHill #CaribbeanRiddims #ThePeoplesPolitics)
Early voting continues in South Florida until November 6th, 7am to 7pm.
All Caribbean-American persons and members of cultural, religious, educational, sports, community, business, charitable organizations throughout the State of Florida are urged to partake in the general elections to make a difference as politics impacts the life of every citizen regardless of their race, religion, gender, or national origin.
Political decisions are made with or without a citizen’s participation.
Caribbean-Americans have a choice to be involved and engaged in these important decisions and in the future leadership of the country and in their personal on issues ranging from immigration to healthcare.
Voters should remember the following:
– Voters may visit any convenient early voting location to cast their ballot;
– Voters should bring a photo ID that contains a signature;
– Try to conduct research and complete a sample ballot prior to going to the polls;
– Voters still have the option to request a vote by mail ballot up until November 2nd
– Voters should call the hotline of their respective Supervisor of Elections with any other issues related to their right to vote.
– All properly registered 18 year old US citizens (except for unrestored convicted felons) have the right to vote in every election.
See also, the Caribbean American Voters’ Guides: