
Author Patrice Simpson Believes That Diamonds Are Made Under Pressure

FALMOUTH, Jamaica — Author Patrice Simpson finally releases her first novel on July 8, 2023. After releasing her first book, SHE in 2020, she has been writing non-stop to give quality reading material to her supporters. She describes Diamond In The Rough as a thought-provoking story which will tug at the heart of readers.

Author Patrice Simpson Diamond In The Rough
Patrice Simpson

I believe that I did very well with this story. The character Diamond was created to be a voice for women who made mistakes they believe that they can’t grow from. Her journey of becoming is a very interesting one.”

Diamond grew up in the ghetto, an environment which affected her emotional well-being in more ways than one. Without a father to guide her in her early teenage years, she made some very stupid choices. On top of the list was engaging in a toxic relationship with a man seven years her senior. The unresolved emotions involved affected her more than she realized and she ended up sleeping with her ex after marrying someone else. She thought she had it all together until that one flame ignited a huge fire of burning issues. All she wanted was to grow mentally, to be at peace and she had to learn an important lesson along the way: always speak your truth. Ultimately, she had to make a choice through all the doubts, insecurities and confusion. A choice nobody had to make but herself.

Patrice Simpson Diamond In The RoughI wrote Diamond In The Rough little by little in the space of basically a year. I got a lot of guidance which led to significant changes in my writing. There was always room for improvement so I went back to the drawing board every single time. Motivation came from the fact that I needed to prove to myself that I was not a one-hit wonder,” she laughed. “I believe that we are all diamonds in our own rough as I mentioned in a chapter of my first book. We overcome struggles to become our best selves and that is simply because diamonds are made under pressure. Regardless of our struggles, mistakes and shortcomings, we can persevere and succeed. That is the beauty of life.”

Patrice is excited to share this book with the world, and she anticipates some positive reviews.

To my readers, I hope I will exceed your expectations. I am excited! I am grateful! I gave my all, and I hope you will pinpoint and appreciate the lesson behind this story.”

Patrice can be found online: @triciiwrites.


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