30th Annual Miami Broward One Caribbean Carnival 2014 Changes Date to October 19th
SOUTH FLORIDA – The Miami Broward One Carnival Host Committee, Inc., has changed the date of the 30th Annual Miami Broward Caribbean Carnival this year, their traditional day of the Sunday of Columbus Day weekend (October 12th) to the following Sunday of October 19th, 2014 at Sun Life Stadium.
For the last four years, as a result of a specific request to the NFL, the Dolphins have been scheduled for a bye week on Columbus Day Weekend to accommodate the production of Miami Broward Carnival on that respective Sunday. This year, the NFL was unable to accommodate this request.
In order to preserve the stability and familiarity of a home for the Carnival, the Committee made the challenging decision to utilize the availability of the date for the Stadium rather than to move to other venues unable to accommodate the unique cultural elements of the Carnival, especially amenities for the participating masquerade bands.
They will also confirm shortly the dates for their other official Carnival events to be held prior to October 19, including their Junior Carnival Parade, Panorama, Kings & Queens Competition and J’Ouvert.
Joan Hinkson, Chair of The Miami Broward One Carnival Host Committee, Inc. can be reached at 305-987-8292 for further details or visit, miamibrowardcarnival.com for more information.