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OECS Trade Ministers show solidarity with Antigua and Barbuda’s US internet gaming challenges

CASTRIES, St. Lucia – Following is a statement by the OECS Trade Ministers on Antigua and Barbuda’s ongoing dispute with the USA on Internet Gaming.

This statement is among the conclusions of the OECS Ministers of Trade meeting in St. Lucia on Wednesday July 11th 2007:

“We the OECS Ministers of Trade declare solidarity with Antigua and Barbuda’s quest for satisfactory treatment from the United States of America on the question of cross border supply of internet gaming services.

We recognise the challenges faced by Antigua and Barbuda as the USA fails to implement the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) rulings.

We the OECS Ministers of Trade are dissatisfied with the decision by the USA to circumvent their WTO GATS obligations by attempting to withdraw their commitments tabled in 1994 on internet gaming.

Antigua’s Errol Cort and Other Ministers
We further recognise that although Antigua and Barbuda has consistently won cases against the USA at the WTO disputes panel and appellate body, the USA is yet to bring its offending measures into conformity as directed in the consecutive rulings. We the OECS Ministers of Trade recognise findings by the WTO’s compliance panel that the USA is yet to implement the decision of the compliance panel.

The OECS Ministers of Trade view the ongoing response by the USA as unfortunate and that such action can significantly harm Antigua and Barbuda’s economy. In fact this has so far resulted in the closure of some internet gaming facilities and the termination of some workers in that industry in Antigua and Barbuda. Such action by the USA has also undermined the credibility of the WTO.

To this end, the OECS Ministers of Trade declare their solidarity with Antigua and Barbuda in taking measures calculated to obtain compensation for the actions taken against it. The OECS Ministers of Trade will fervently express such concerns about Antigua and Barbuda’s plight during individual and collective dialogue with the USA.

We strongly suggest that the United States of America engage in the appropriate dialogue with Antigua and Barbuda and take the steps to comply with the WTO ruling.”

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