Local News

Commentary With Winston Barnes: Gallantry

DAVIE – Today is being celebrated as Veterans Day and traditionally it has not attracted sufficient attention. Commerce tries to capitalize on it in a push for sales that have nothing to do with recognizing and celebrating the contributions folk who have served and continue to serve the armed forces of this country, make.

Today, can not be one of those other days, however, when it is simply a day when some government offices and schools close. After the services held a fort hood in Texas yesterday, it is demanded of us all to contemplate the sacrifice young women and men, and not so young ones as well continue to make for their belief in this country.

The bravery that sends men and women to volunteer for the armed services is not common or there would be a larger army and no shortage of troops to send to Afghanistan or the need to send troops on multiple deployments.

As we contemplate the deaths of these thirteen, let us promise our sons and daughters that as in the old testament, that when we too are called to volunteer for the task of just serving others, not in the military, that we too will have the strength to say, “here I am, send me.”

Winston Barnes
Host – “Open Mic” WAVS 1170AM

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