Garfield ‘Chin’ Bourne to Host VP Records Record Store Day
Garfield ‘Chin’ Bourne of Sound Chat Radio to Host Record Store Day / Sound System Vinyl Showcase at VP Records in New York
NEW YORK – On April 13, 2019, independent record stores around the globe will celebrate Record Store Day.
Reggae giant VP Records, celebrating it’s 40th Anniversary year-long, has pegged Sound Chat Radio host and sound system tastemaker Garfield “Chin” Bourne to host this year’s commemorative staging of their highly anticipated Record Store Day and Sound System Vinyl Showcase at their retail location (170-21 Jamaica Avenue in Queens, New York).
The addition of “Chin” to the annual event is a natural fit, given his pivotal role in sound system culture, whether it’s via his popular show and 24 hour sound-driven Sound Chat Radio station or groundbreaking sound system events (World Clash, Reeewind, Sound Fest Vibez in the Park, Rumble Series, etc).
Ultimately, these keepers of the genre, VP Records and Chin, share common goals of preserving Jamaican music and culture.
With vinyl as it’s primal current, Reggae music and sound system culture go hand in hand and this year’s event promises to be explosive!
“As a teenager with great ambitions of one day becoming a top selector, VP Records was the starting point of my record collection. At the time, I would go there on the weekends and spend the whole day going through records hoping to find the latest releases as well as classic vintage music. In those days, at times, you were forced you buy a whole album just to get one,” recounts Bourne vividly.”
“I am honored to host this year’s event. Not only does it emphasize the importance of sound system culture, it brings me back to my humble beginnings.”
On any given day, Chin’s hosting duties expand beyond radio to sound clashes, concerts and other Caribbean entertainment events.
Further, the sound system purveyor is no stranger to presenting on panels, speaking engagements and lectures.
When not in the hosting seat, Chin is producing events, with the Rumble Series (in six countries) and the famed World Clash leading the this year’s line up.