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Commentary with Winston Barnes: Revisionism

Commentary with Winston Barnes: Revisionism - Boris Johnson
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson

SOUTH FLORIDA – In school, many of us learnt to revise as part of our preparation for exams. When history is re-written it is called revisionism.

Well, it appears as if we have come to a place where we need do a bit of both, no apologies to anyone.

The current behavior of the Prime Minister should have all of us who grew up in a colonial situation controlled by the British making a hard and swift revision.

For one, the benevolent and kindly British we were taught as real apparently never ever existed.

The current Prime Minister’s British accent simply cannot hide his crudity and crassness, even in public.

So all this genteel quality suggested as part of British social behavior pattern ought to be measured against not only the ugly racism which now makes itself very public there, but the rape and pillaging of countries like those in Africa need to be exposed as factual history.

In my case, our high principal engendered a love for virtually everything French.

A simple look at even contemporary history confirms the rabid racism of the French as well as the colonialism that country imposed across the globe.

In other words, it is about time, we as a race of people began that revisionism or revision, if you prefer, of our history.

In this first two decades of the twenty first century, finding accurate renderings of the history of non-European peoples is remarkably more easy to do than it has ever been in the history of the world.

It is time to not only write the correct accounting of our history but it must also be read.


Winston Barnes AIDS and the Caribbean-American Community
Winston Barnes Host – “Open Line” WAVS 1170AM
Photo Credit: Leroy “Dreamy” Riley

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