Commentary With Winston Barnes: Misogyny
SOUTH FLORIDA – The word “misogyny” means a dislike, a hatred of women.
It appears this sentiment, this feeling is rife among a certain segment of our community and could come back to haunt the nincompoops who are promoting the position.
There are men in our community who are saying, “they could never vote for a woman to be President”. Others are saying, “they would vote for the female Presidential candidate only because she comes with a husband who is a former President”.
In my opinion, this sentiment is backward, retrograde, retarded, regressive, underdeveloped, and maybe even immature and childish.
This is 2016 and it would appear that men in our community are behaving like slow of thought men born in the 18th and 19th centuries.
I surmise, there are a number of questions which should be asked. Are these not the same men who would easily claim their mother is the most blessed woman who ever lived?
Another question, are many of these men not the same ones who instead of running their houses, as the saying goes, are really running around the house?
Voice your opinion on the “Open Line” with Winston Barnes daily on WAVS 1170AM or listen on-line
Photo Credit: Leroy “Dreamy” Riley