Local News

Commentary With Winston Barnes: Delusional Us?

DAVIE – For far too long too many in our community have continued to delude themselves about whom and what they are. For years, even after it went out of vogue, many Caribbean folk have entertained the notion that they are somewhat better than black Americans, sometimes based on the flimsy notion that places like Jamaica are not still affected by the scourge of racism.

Similarly, out of sheer snobbery, many claim allegiance to one particular party in this country, others because they are in business and that is the party of the business class. Such hogwash that has been foisted upon them for which they have so little understanding.

Similarly, as one caller to our open mic explained yesterday, some listen to so called talk radio, call this station and espouse a lot of the nonsensical, sometimes racist beliefs, not for a moment realizing they are being duped. But worse, not acknowledging how these same talk shows belittle them as callers with funny accents.

But it is even worse, radio for example for the last quarter of a century here in south Florida have facilitated people with little or no skills to become on air personalities so owners and managers can spend time in their offices laughing at their accents and mannerisms.

It is really late in the day for anyone in the community to be setting themselves our for buffoneeryas there is far more light available these days.

Winston Barnes
Host – “Open Mic” WAVS 1170AM

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