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Commentary with Winston Barnes: Educator Abuse in Jamaica

Commentary with Winston Barnes: Educator Abuse in Jamaica -Yolanda Jackson
Winfer Gardens teacher Yolanda Jackson. Photo Credit: Stabroek News

SOUTH FLORIDA – The phenomenon has been brewing for some time now, but it appears the abuse of teachers in Jamaican classrooms have become out of hand.

What has to be one of the saddest aspect is that much of the abuse is either being encouraged by or meted out by parents.

So there is a disagreement between a teacher and one of his or her students, the recourse is not to the principal, a guidance counselor, but to the student’s parents or bad man big brother or father.

As the saying goes, “can’t work so”.

It is so ironic that there was a time when even the area dons of certain communities took it upon themselves to ensure the children in the neighborhood went to school.

Has there been such a major shift toward doing a hustle instead of getting some kind of education?

As ever this is a trend only parents can turn around. And lest we delude ourselves into thinking this is only a Jamaican thing, much of the Caribbean is suffering from this special kind of insanity as well.

In addition, some of us remember the incident not that many years ago, when a Jamaican mother in Miami-Dade County went to her student child’s school to beat up the teacher!

The difference here in the U.S. is that parents who behave that anti-social way usually end up in jail and/or prison.


Winston Barnes
Host – “Open Line” WAVS 1170AM
Photo Credit: Leroy “Dreamy” Riley


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