Centene’s Florida Subsidiary Selected To Offer Healthy Kids Coverage Statewide
ST. LOUIS — Centene Corporation (NYSE: CNC) today (May 27) announced that the Florida Healthy Kids Corporation (FHKC) intends to award its Florida subsidiary, Sunshine Health, a statewide contract to manage healthcare services for children ages five through 18 through the FHKC program. Sunshine Health is one of the largest Medicaid managed care plans in Florida, and currently serves more than 450,000 Medicaid recipients statewide.
Under the proposed two-year contract award expected to commence on October 1, 2015, Sunshine Health will be the only health plan to offer a full pay FHKC insurance product to children in all 11 regions in Florida.
President and CEO for Sunshine Health
Photo by Taimy Alvarez, Sun Sentinel
“Sunshine Health looks forward to expanding our Healthy Kids footprint in Florida from one county currently, to a statewide offering under this proposed contract agreement with Florida Healthy Kids Corporation,” said Chris Paterson, President and CEO for Sunshine Health. “We appreciate FHKC’s confidence in our health plan’s capability to coordinate quality healthcare for children who need access to critical healthcare services.”
Sunshine Health has operated as a managed care entity in Florida since 2009 and currently employs more than 1,400 people across the state.
“Sunshine Health has proven to be a successful partner for the state of Florida over the past six years,” said Robert Hitchcock, Executive Vice President, Health Plans for Centene. “We are pleased to provide high-quality, integrated healthcare services to Florida residents as we work to transform the health of the community, one person at a time.”