Cannabis Global Initiative (CGI) To Assist Marijuana Companies Entering Jamaica’s Cannabis Market

DENVERĀ – Legislation to make provisions for ganja reform was approved by the Jamaican Cabinet and tabled in the Senate in January 2015. This Bill, the Dangerous Drugs Act 2015, and popularly called the Ganja Bill, opened the door to the emergence of new financial and commercial opportunities for companies who want to do business in Jamaica.
CGI Opens Caribbean Office in Kingston
As advisors for cannabis reform to the country of Jamaica, the Cannabis Global Initiative (CGI) is now offering a full suite of services to assist companies wanting to be among the first to do legal cannabis business in the Caribbean and has opened a second office inĀ Kingston.
With the opening of its second office and CGI’s longstanding relationships with the Jamaican government, policy stakeholders and the growing community, CGI is prepared to advise companies with placing their products and/or services in the first Caribbean country to legalize marijuana for medicinal use. TessMaria Leon, Director of Client Services for CGI’s Caribbean team, heads CGI’s Kingstonoffice.
“We’ve created a robust offering to ensure the best companies are being represented and positioned correctly to do business in theCaribbean,” says CGI President Wanda James. “CGI has created a number of packages with several levels of service designed to introduce cannabis-related businesses to Jamaican culture, lifestyle and business infrastructure.”
For example, CGI’s Genesis Package offers businesses a comprehensive, highly-personalized introduction to Jamaica including meetings with key industry representatives, growers and resort owners, assistance with the negotiation and selection of retail, grow or commercial space, a private car and driver, and a local CGI representative to accompany them for hands-on guidance.
Other packages are customized for those who would like to establish political connections, need culturally sensitive advertising or public relations campaigns, or assistance with navigating licensing issues and procedures, once the government makes licensing available.
Cannabis-related companies in the U.S. and beyond are encouraged to contact CGI for a review of the packages available and to determine the best fit for their products and services.