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Commentary with Winston Barnes: Barack Obama

By: Winston Barnes

DAVIE – The inauguration of a new American president is a dramatic change for the entire globe. It is a change that our young people have been made aware of both intentionally and without plan. The very face of the new president’s older daughter showed that she already understands that a major change has come to her life.

All that will come after Tuesday’s installation of Barack Obama will not change the fact that this young man, so singularly, so decisively has been and will un-doubtedly continue to be purposed by a god he seeks to fear. His election is no mistake; instead it is full of purpose.

It is therefore the responsibility of all, not just Americans, but all well thinking and progressive people, to also pull their weight, with the understanding that any leader is going to be able to accomplish anything only if the people join in the work.

And in case you think children have no understanding of the significance of Tuesday, take the cues from my five year old daughter. After saying prayers for Martin Luther king junior and one of her grandfathers, in heaven, she told god sorry and prayed for Barack Obama as well.

As we peer through the many tears we have shed, our own tears, let’s say a prayer for the new president and ourselves too.

Winston Barnes
Host – “Open Mic” WAVS 1170AM

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