Celebrity Chef Aris LaTham to Launch ‘Natural Living’ at Bay View Resort in Jamaica
Port Antonio, Jamaica – Raw Food Celebrity Chef, artist and culinary griot Dr Aris Latham returns to Jamaica from Panama and in fact from a world tour to launch NATURAL LIVING on March 1, 2015 at Bay View Eco Resort & Spa in Port Antonio, Portland. The event is billed as a Feast and Celebration of, you got it, “Natural Living’ incorporating mind, body & spirit for a holistic experience.
Dr. Aris LaTham was born in Gatun, Panama Canal Zone. He is a direct descendant of an African-Caribbean family of Culinary Griots, as well as, a vegan legacy bestowed by way of his Indian ancestry. LaTham has become a world renowned crusader in the area of wholesome foods. His linguistic and culinary interests have been shared with many diverse people throughout Africa, Asia, the Americas, Australia, the Caribbean and Europe. Dr. LaTham, is also known as ‘The Sunfired Gourmet’, and has been a strict vegan for 45 years, eating Sunfired Foods exclusively for the past 39 years. He was voted one of the top vegetarian chefs in the USA by Vegetarian Times Magazine, and has been featured in Essence, Jamaican Eats, Vegetarian Gourmet, Health Quest, Upscale, UK’s Balance, and Japan’s Tarzan Fitness Magazines, amongst many others.
The 2012 Second Edition of Oxford Encyclopedia of Food and Drink in America acclaims: “…the raw food movement owes much to Dr. Aris LaTham, a native of Panama. He is considered to be the father of gourmet ethical raw foods cuisine in America. Dr. LaTham debuted his raw food creations in 1979, when he started Sunfired Foods, a live food company in Harlem, New York. In the years since, he has trained thousands of raw food chefs and added innumerable recipes to his repertoire.”
The Launch of NATURAL LIVING adds value to the Wellness Tourism Product in Jamaica and will attract foodies and the Baby Boomers to this emerging sector. LaTham’s creative array of wellness offerings include: Sunfired Wellness & Detox Center, Raw Food Culinary Institute, Vegan Restaurant, Juice & Roots Tonic Bar and Healing Sulphur Mud Hole.
Portland, known as the playground of the Rich and Famous, is now the Raw Food capital of the Caribbean.
On March 1, 2015, the celebration of NATURAL LIVING will include Ayawear Cultural Fashion Show (Music & Dance). What a wonderful day to celebrate life with specially invited guests and guest artistes. Portland will come alive with the culinary artistry and energetic personality of the renowned Celebrity Raw Food Chef, Dr Aris Latham!
Join in the excitement, fun and celebration. For more information, contact The Bay View Resort Website or call (876) 993-3118 or (876) 843-5147.