Urban League of Greater Miami Inc. to host Black-on Black crime initiative
MIAMI-DADE COUNTY – Black-on Black Crime Initiative Task Force sponsored by the Urban League of Greater Miami Inc., T. Willard Fair, President and CEO and Chairman Darryl F. Reaves invite the community to its first event to delve into the root causes of Black on Black crime Saturday August 12, 20006 @ 9:00am -12:00 noon at Church of the Open Door 6001 NW 8th Ave, Miami.
This campaign is funded by the Florida Attorney General Charlie Christ and the Urban League of Greater Miami, Inc’s Liberty City Service Partnership funded by the Children’s Trust.
Reaves as facilitator of the task force will launch the Statewide Black-On-Black Crime Prevention Program centered on the theme “Crime is Not A Part of Our Black Heritage”.
Reaves said “we are here to assess the diagnosis to determine the prescription. Knowing and addressing the needs of our community we can work together to achieve common objectives.”
The task force is made up of representatives from the following: law enforcement; Community- Based youth clubs and Community/Church schools.
The program is designed as a public awareness and education effort to motivate the Black community to support, promote and participate in crime prevention programs and activities.
This campaign focuses on methods and measures of increasing public awareness and educating the Black community on the extent of crime in the Black community with the ultimate goal of eliminating it.
“Our children were not taught how to manage a disproportionate set of dynamics which creates Black on Back crime. If we do not come up with some ways to combat this we will not survive. The goal is to make the community safe for the children” said Fair.
Key issues to violence are: unemployment; substandard housing, diet; mental health; educational achievement; physical health and poverty. The cure for violence is HOPE.
For more information on the event August 12th or the campaign itself contact the Urban League of Greater Miami, Inc. 8500 NW 25th Avenue, Miami Florida 33147 office # 305.696.4450, fax # 305.696.4455 www.ulmiami.org.