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United States Government Hospital Ship carries out humanitarian mission in Haiti

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti – During a visit to Haiti September 1-8, the hospital ship USNS Comfort will deliver humanitarian healthcare services to the Haitian public. Port-au-Prince is the eighth stop for the Comfort on a three-month long mission throughout Central America, South America and the Caribbean to provide medical care to over 85,000 patients in countries with limited services.

The voyage, which is the largest deployment of a hospital ship in the area since 1968, was initiated by President George W. Bush in recognition of the shared history and close relationship between the United States and the countries in the region United States Ambassador to Haiti Janet A. Sanderson first discussed the Comfort’s visit in June of this year during an interview with healthcare journalists, noting that the mission represents not only a humanitarian effort, but also a critical training opportunity for Haitian medical personnel.

She also stressed the importance of collaboration in healthcare delivery, stating that “It is critical to have strong partnerships in the area of healthcare – the challenges are so enormous that neither the government nor the international community can succeed fully on its own.” To that end, the United States is proud to partner with the Government of Haiti on this relief effort, and greatly appreciates the involvement of non-governmental organizations such as Project Hope in providing help to the Haitian people.

The crew of the Comfort, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, will offer medical treatment at three hospital sites in Port-au-Prince. The Comfort team comprises nearly 600 hundreds of doctors, nurses, and medical technicians who will work with their Haitian counterparts to provide preventative treatment and general medical consultations. As part of the mission, American military technicians will also help to renovate a local health center in Croix des Bouquets.

In additional to medical consultations at the three sites, the Comfort’s medical treatment facility includes specialists in general surgery, orthopedics, oral and maxillofacial surgery, pediatric surgery, ear, nose and throat surgery and obstetrics-gynecology. A particular focus of the mission is the ability to perform needed surgeries on board the ship, with Haitian medical residents present to observe and learn.

This mission exemplifies the critical importance which the United States Government places on healthcare as part of its overall assistance efforts in Haiti.

In 2007, the American people will disburse an estimated $95 million-plus in healthcare-designated assistance to Haiti, ranging from HIV prevention and treatment to prenatal and family health, and in forms such as mobile clinics in the provinces, training for healthcare personnel and provision of essential medications and immunizations for children.

It is estimated that over 47% of the Haitian population has access to USG-funded healthcare.

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