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The Key to Making Marriage Work: Insights from Stavan and Hasanea Whyte

by Howard Campbell

‘Married life is a serious thing, careful how yuh put on di wedding ring’.- Junior Reid


SOUTH FLORIDA – After 16 years of marriage, Stavan and Hasanea Whyte can attest to that. They reflect on the triumphs and challenges of their union in Seven Times Hotter Before The Glory, their first book, which was released in October.

The Jamaican couple are longtime Florida residents. Stavan, also known as singer/playwright Stefan Peninsilyn, said they give readers a warts-and-all glance into what makes a marriage work.

Marriage Work: Seven Times Hotter Before The Glory“In this book, we speak about facing tough times in our marriage, the ups and downs, failures and victories. Look, every marriage has their ups and downs, but marriage can work; it’s like cricket, your running mate has to be willing to run with you, and want the win just as hard as you. In other words, we both have to want the marriage to work,” he told South Florida Caribbean News.

‘Seven Times Hotter’, which has 72 pages, is independently distributed on Amazon. The authors, who are devout Christians, have received solid reviews.

“Easy read – author and his wife have shown resilience and transparency faced in all the setbacks life had hurled at them. With determination faced with challenges, opportunities abound. There was a purpose God had in His plans and they used His Word and prayers as their weapon. They remained humble and kept God first,” wrote one reader.

Stavan Whyte also recently released the Glory Carrier Gospel Card Game. Available in English and Spanish, its aim is to “to pull family together.”

As Stefan Peninsilyn, Whyte won the Festival Song Contest in Jamaica in 2003 and 2004 with Jamaican Tour Guide and Ole Time Jamaica.


South Florida Caribbean News

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