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2 Safety Tips For First-Time SUV Drivers

Driving has become a life skill for many people, irrespective of their location. Even if one lives in an uninhabited place, one needs to drive to the nearest town for essentials, unless they are forest dwellers who live by themselves with zero interaction with the outside world. Safety is paramount when you hit the road as many people may have a license but lack confidence behind the wheel, causing some major avoidable accidents. Whenever one is transitioning from driving a smaller to a bigger car like the Perodua Ativa SUV 2024, one needs to keep in mind the adjustments that will help them park and maintain cruise control on the road without colliding with anyone. 

Safety Tips For First-Time SUV DriversDriving a small car is not the same as a bigger and meaner beast. The height of the seat and the size of the car make a difference. However, with a few adjustments, one can drive an SUV with some practice. Needless to say, one has to concentrate on their driving and refrain from distractions like loud music or talking on the mobile phone. Using the right signals for tailgating drivers to understand your intent movements, will help them navigate better and avoid crashing into your car. When you fail to indicate that you are going to turn, then the driver behind you will not be able to stop and move when you turn. Always remember that there are other people on the road and everyone has to follow the basic rules, without any entitlement, or taking it for granted that the other driver may know whether you are moving ahead or turning right in the next thirty seconds. Here are a few tips when you are driving an SUV for the first time, that will prove useful:

  • Know The Vehicle

Even if you are an experienced driver, unless you have driven a car, you don’t know how to manage it. SUVs offer better visibility on the road because of its height. However, because of the size, the maneuverability of the vehicle in traffic and smaller spaces is tough. It’s basic physics that a bulkier car takes longer to stop than a smaller one. SUVs also require more space for blind spots and turns. The minute you are taking a turn with a smaller angle, you are endangering the lives of the people driving with and around you. Because of this reason, it is recommended to practice driving an SUV, till you feel you are comfortable and can handle the bigger car. 

  • Practice Defensive Driving

As long as it takes, and even long after the time you are comfortable in the driving seat of an SUV, practice defensive driving. Proactively maintaining distance between the cars, giving the right indications at least forty-five seconds before your next turn, adapting to traffic flow, and avoiding distractions like talking with co-passengers, playing loud music, or talking on mobile are some examples of defensive driving.


SUVs are one the best and highest selling segments in car companies. When you practice a little and improve your driving skills you will adore this car.


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