President Bill Clinton to campaign in Miami and Orlando
MIAMI – On Tuesday, September 11, President Bill Clinton will hold a grassroots event in Miami, Florida on Florida International University campus at the US Century Bank Arena and on Wednesday, September 12, President Clinton will hold a grassroots event in Orlando, Florida at the Rosen Plaza.
In Florida, President Clinton will discuss the choice in this election between moving forward with President Obama’s vision to create an economy that’s built to last, or going back to the same failed top-down economic policies that crashed our economy and punished the middle class.
Event Details:
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Doors Open: 4:30PM EDT
Florida International University
US Century Bank Arena
11200 SW 8th St.
On Tuesday, former President Clinton will speak about what’s at stake in this election for Floridians and President Obama’s vision for moving this country forward. President Obama understands that Americans have a choice in this election between two competing visions of how to grow the economy, create more jobs and pay down the debt.
President Obama has already cut taxes for a typical family by $3,600 since taking office – helping families send their kids to college, buy their first home, and pay for health and child care. The President also placed seniors’ health at the forefront of his administration, securing $4,200 in savings for all beneficiaries and closing the gap, known as the “doughnut hole,” by $600.
President Obama has committed to fight for the middle class and those striving to be in the middle class, because he believes that everyone deserves a fair shot, and an economy built to last, created from the middle out and not top down.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Doors Open: 4:30 PM EDT
Rosen Plaza
Grand Ballroom
9700 International Drive