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Owning Your Dream Home in Jamaica!

MIRAMAR – Victoria Mutual Building Society (VMBS) Florida Representative Office and Richmond Developers (Jamaica) hosted an Open House in South Florida on February 22nd and 23rd, 2018 to learn more about owning your dream home in Jamaica.

The Open House provided Richmond Jamaica representatives with the opportunity to inform the Jamaican Diaspora about their luxurious gated communities, while the VMBS Mortgage Specialist provided step-by-step guidance on “Jamaica’s best mortgage offers”, at interest rates as low as 4.25% p.a. on US Currency Mortgage through Victoria Mutual.

Sherene Lingo, Victoria Mutual Building Society (VMBS) Jamila Nelson, Sales Promotion Agent with Richmond Jamaica
Sherene Lingo, (R) Customer Service Representative at the Victoria Mutual Building Society (VMBS) Florida Representative Office, and Jamila Nelson, (center) Sales Promotion Agent with Richmond Jamaica consult with a potential client at the Richmond and VMBS Florida Representative Office Open house.


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