
Outstanding Canadian Honored by Ontario Government with medal of Good Citizenship award

Toronto – Speaker, radio talk show host and author of the book, ‘Your Best You, Paulet Biedermann was recently honored by Ontario’s Minister of Citizenship with the Medal Good Citizenship award.

She was recognized for making significant long term and sustained contribution to her community and her country. On Thursday Oct.18th, Biedermann was recognized at Queens Park with one of Ontario’s highest and most prestigious awards, the medal of Good Citizenship.

This marks the total awards received in 2012 by Biedermann to four. she was also honored by Oktoberfest-Rogers TV with the Woman of the Year award. She was selected from hundreds of nominees from across the province.

This exemplary Canadian was one of thirteen outstanding citizens to win this prestigious award. The Ontario Medal for Good Citizenship recognizes people who have made exceptional long-term contributions to the quality of life in the province.

Referencing this great lady, Dr. Augie Fleras, her former professor at University of Waterloo had this to say, “A published book on enriching and empowering peoples’ quality of lives is
certainly a crowning achievement in a life filled with creativity and accomplishments. However
splendid her track record, it’s Paulet’s commitment to the community – from Cambridge to
Toronto – that is most impressive, especially in assisting youth and women to find their place
and potential.

Paulet Biedermann’s honoring Oct 2012 Queenspark

….I cannot say enough about a person who has truly made her little corner of the world a
much better place than she found it.” Paulet is an exceptional role model and mentor: “She is kind, caring, generous, altruistic and benevolent. She volunteered thousand of hours over the past 32 years since arriving from Jamaica in 1980. She helped in: prison, women shelters, schools, festivals, women clubs, minority training and adjustment board, Cultural Committee, Aids Committee, churches, community TV and Radio and various ethnic groups. She strategically utilized these mediums to highlight and champion causes of marginalized groups. She is noted for her role as a social activist and a fierce fighter of injustices, in particular racism, abuse of the mentally ill and bullying. Her passion for helping women, youths, and the mentally ill, motivated her to create a radio talk show “Your Best You Show-Talking about things that matter to you!”

Her goal is to highlight issues affecting minorities, marginalized and the vulnerable in her community: From Bullying and racism to challenges facing immigrant women to get certified in their trained fields.

Most recently, she was appointed president for the Cambridge chapter of Spelling Bee Canada. This is what she had to say following her appointment, “I have noticed that over the years and especially lately, black kids are under-represented in a lot of the academic oriented activities. This is unacceptable; we know that the best way to elevate a people is via education. There are tons of bright children out there who sometimes get lost along the way because no one notices their potential.” Her mandate is to ensure the participation of as many kids as possible and in particular the black kids, immigrant kids, and poorer or marginalized children. Waterloo region is a very diverse community and this should be reflected in our activities.”

Her passion for helping to enrich the lives of others prompted her to develop various programs, including but not limited to mentoring, healthy self concept workshops, self esteem assessment tools, Girls Power group, anti-racism and anti-bullying campaign-addresses both kids and adults victims of bullying.

She has positively impacted the lives of many over three decades. She prides herself on helping individuals to attain optimum potential. She donated books to the libraries, schools, and some counseling organizations in Waterloo region. She educates women and girls about issues such as, successfully conquering mile stones, health teaching, success principles, child self esteem development, drug abuse and adjustments for new comers to Canadian culture. She has published articles and created teaching videos to educate about child abuse, bullying, drug abuse, racism and domestic violence. She organized fund-raisers and sponsorships, raising thousands of dollars for artists, women entering politics and abuse victims.

This altruistic humanitarian works tirelessly in her quest to help others. She helps individuals to become more self-confident, more self-aware and more self-reliant. Her mandate She is to guide others to achieve success. This social activist is continuously advocating for the objective, fair and equitable treatment of women, youths, and mentally ill; often referred to as the voice of the underprivileged and anyone who is disadvantaged, marginalized and vulnerable. She has enriched the lives of thousands, both here in Canada and abroad. Her enthusiasm is contagious. She fosters renewed hope in the lives of people who were once deemed hopeless. Most importantly, she equipped these individuals with the necessary tools for success. She is truly a remarkable role model and inspiration to all of us. “I am very proud to present Ontario’s Medal of Citizenship Award to this outstanding Canadian,” said Minister of immigration and citizenship, Hon. Charles Sousa.

“This extraordinary citizen has done a phenomenal job at enriching the lives of her fellow Canadians. She is indeed an exemplary role model and leader. Her actions encouraged young people, immigrants and minority to hope for a better life, dream of success, and challenge others to live up to their civic, social and moral responsibilities. This award recognizes her contributions to Canada.”

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