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Newly appointed Consul General of Jamaica pledges support to work with South Florida Caribbean media

MIAMI – In a recent meeting with members of the local Caribbean and mainstream media in South Florida, Jamaica’s newly appointed Consul General Sandra Grant Griffiths reiterated her intent to continue the ‘branding’ theme for Jamaica – Brand Jamaica – in the overseas communities under her jurisdiction.

Mrs. Grant-Griffiths interacted with nearly 30 representatives of local media houses at a media reception hosted by the Jamaica Consulate General and the Jamaica Information Service (JIS) at their Miami location, last Wednesday (Sept. 17).

A large number of Jamaicans and other Caribbean nationals serve the South Florida community through a range of media network covering broadcast and press, magazines, web-links services, promotional and public relations agencies.

Consul General Sandra Grant Griffiths

In her introductory remarks, she pledged to work with the media as she outlined a strategy for engagement, mutual support and being facilitative. The Consul General outlined her efforts to look at methods, mechanisms, processes and channels already in place to see how those could be built upon, indicating that she did not intend to adopt a “new and different approach.”

The Consul General said that her intention was to make the Mission more user friendly bringing its services, and information to communities under the theme promotion of ‘Brand Jamaica,’ while creating a surge of interest in projects and programs including culture and trade and investment for national development and prosperity for Jamaica and its Diaspora.

Mrs. Grant Griffiths brings to her new role a wealth of knowledge and experience having served in the Foreign Service since 1977. She has been involved in a number of areas in the Government service including working in areas of Overseas and Consular Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, the Office of the Prime Minister and CARICOM.

She reiterated the role of the Mission – representational and consular – in its efforts to serve the Jamaican Diaspora and the wider overseas communities.

Prior to her new assignment, Mrs. Grant-Griffiths held the position of Chief of Protocol. She was also instrumental in the construction of the inaugural Jamaica Diaspora Symposium and biennial National Diaspora Conference in Kingston in June 2004.

Media persons at the reception were also given a tour of the Consulate facilities which now offers improved functionality since occupying larger space at the Ingraham Building location in downtown Miami since June last year.

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