Mushroom Chocolate Bars and the Benefits of Psilocybin
What is Psilocybin?
Psilocybin is an ingredient of a certain type of mushroom, commonly known as a magic mushroom. These mushrooms have dark brown tops and white or light brown centers with long, thin, whitish-grey stems. They are a hallucinogen that has been around for many years, with the most well-known use of them in the sixties and seventies by “hippies.” These people of that time period used magic mushrooms to get high and lose themselves in a psychedelic world and consumed the mushrooms in large quantities.
Today many of the people who use psilocybin use it in micro doses for medicinal purposes much like marijuana is used. Psilocybin has been found to help many mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, ADHD, and PTSD when given in small doses. It has also been found to increase the growth of neurons in the human brain and allows for the creation of positive mindfulness and well-being. It has also been shown to improve memory and creativity. It has also been found to help with people who are trying to quit smoking and has had positive effects on people who have had cancer.
Psilocybin is usually used in edibles such as chocolate, gummies, teas, capsules, and bars. You can buy psilocybin in Stem Chocolate Bars, which are delicious candy bars. It can also be consumed in raw mushrooms and dried ones, as well. You need to be careful to take psilocybin in micro doses to get the desired benefits, taking too much can lead you on an unexpected trip. Listed below are some more of the benefits of psilocybin.
Mental Health Relief
Many people are finding that psilocybin has been relieving them of mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, ADHD, and PTSD. They also help with relieving addictions and helps others to help them stop smoking.
Relief of Cancer Related Psychological Distress
There have been some studies that have been done to see about the efficacy of psilocybin. A double-blind study by Johns Hopkins in 2016, shows that psilocybin has decreased anxiety and depression in people with a life-threatening cancer diagnosis.
Increase Motivation
There have been studies that show that psilocybin helps to increase motivation and allows people to get more done. This can help people to get their jobs done quicker and help to motivate them to do things around their home.
Increase in Concentration Level and Productivity
It has been shown that there is an increase in levels of concentration which therefore causes an increase in productivity. It only takes a micro dose to see this increase and you can get this micro dose in edibles.
Increase in Creativity
People have been seen to be more creative after consuming micro doses of psilocybin.
Smoking Cessation and Cessation of Other Addictions
In studies also done by Johns Hopkins, it was shown that a small amount of psilocybin has also led to the cessation of smoking and that subjects remained smoke-free over a twelve-month period. The study suggested that if this worked for smoking, it could work for other addictions, especially alcohol and cocaine addictions.
Will Psilocybin Ever Be Approved by the FDA?
Even though there is a lot of positive research done that proves that psilocybin is good for many people in many ways, there is currently no suggestion that it will be approved by the FDA anytime soon. This is still a dangerous substance if it is not used correctly and right now there is no proof that it would not be abused.
Experts feel that it will only be approved for use in medical clinics or hospitals and will never be allowed for general use that could put it on the streets. They cite an increased cardiovascular affect that can lead to increased blood pressure and irregular heartbeats as reasons for this. They also cite serious and permanent psychological effects from its use.
If used in a meticulously controlled environment it has shown that it could do lots of good. The researchers that have been using it for studies have named all the risks and have found ways to overcome those risks in a controlled environment. They say that if controlled correctly, the efficacy rate of psilocybin rivals that of other treatments that have already been approved by the FDA. It would be helpful to so many people if the FDA could approve it, but that will not likely happen soon.