
Mid-life Choices – Start Your Own Business?

2019 Encore Entrepreneur Day – May 15, 2019

SOUTH FLORIDA – The U.S. Small Business Administration will join SCORE, Accion and Prospera will team up for presentations on starting a business at Encore Entrepreneur Mentor Day.

The 2019 Encore Entrepreneur Day will take place on Wednesday, May 15, 2019 from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM  at Keiser University – 1500 NW 49th Street, Fort Lauderdale.

The event is targeted at entrepreneurs over the age of 50 to match these “encore entrepreneurs” with successful business owners and community leaders for advice and assistance.

With one in four individuals ages 44 to 70 interested in becoming entrepreneurs, and 63 percent of Americans planning to work during retirement, small business ownership is a good option.

Mid-life Choices - Start Your Own Business?

Nearly half of aspiring entrepreneurs reported a desire to be “Encore Entrepreneurs,” starting a business with a positive social impact.

If this sounds like you or someone you know, then this event can help you find fulfillment in your later years through your own small business opportunity. Owning your own small business can be an exciting change of pace, as well as a terrific way to stay engaged and productive.

Small business owners with long-term counselors see bigger sales, hire more workers and last longer.

Economic Development Specialist Tina Davis along with personnel from SCORE Broward, ACCION and Prospera will provide information on the availability of training and mentoring services older entrepreneurs can use to successfully start and grow businesses and create jobs.

As a workforce veteran, you bring a great deal to the table: maturity, strong finances, and a wide network of professional contacts and associates.

Whether you’re interested in starting a side business right now or intend to wait until retirement, now is the time to explore the possibilities – starting a business, or buying a franchise.

Attendees will:
  • Learn about the support and resources available to them locally
  •  There will be a panel of encore entrepreneur mentors to share their stories and experience with the audience.
  • The panel will be followed by audience questions and answers and the opportunity to speak directly with counselors on hand.
  • Financing your dream will be discussed. Representatives from micro loan and non-traditional financial sources will describe those channels and be on hand to discuss specifics.

Free to attend. Click here to register!

No age requirement. All potential entrepreneurs are welcome!

South Florida Caribbean News

The Team provides news and information for the Caribbean-American community in South Florida and beyond.

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