MIRAMAR – Janice McIntosh announced her candidacy for Global Jamaica Diaspora (GJD) Representative, Southern USA. She will represent thirteen (13) states to include Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, and South Carolina.
Janice McIntosh
“I’m excited and proud to announce my candidacy for GJDC Representative for the southern USA because I am motivated to work tirelessly to represent the diverse voices of our Diaspora,” Janice said. “I believe in the power we have as a collective and I am confident we will have constructive dialogue aimed at benefitting our people and causes wherever we live.”
Janice has a wealth of experience collaborating with government officials, business leaders and member of the community. In her former role as the head of the Jamaica National(JN) Bank, she led her team to deliver exceptional services to members in the South Florida community. Her successes can be attributed to her ability to connect with her community, listen to their needs, understand the issues, and respond accordingly.
As an active member of the GJDC, Janice is always a source of support and action. She has worked with past and present GJDC representatives to deliver key agenda items for our Diaspora.
The mission of her campaign is to engage with the Diaspora and put their needs F.I.R.S.T (Facilitate, Inclusive, Respect, Shared Values and Trust). These pillars represent the core principles driving this campaign. Janice believes this approach will facilitate meaningful discussions to help her better understand their needs. Additionally, she believes in gathering feedback and using relevant data to guide her recommendations to the Ministry. She believes diversity is our strength and is committed to being Inclusive.
“Our Shared Values is what binds us to Jamaica and doing all we can to ensure Jamaicans do well everywhere keeps me focused,” Janice stated.
In 2009 Janice migrated from Jamaicaand made Florida her home away from home. She is married and a mom of two (2) active teenagers. She is passionate about giving back and since moving to Florida, her involvement in the community has been as numerous as they are fulfilling. She is currently the VP of the Jamaican Women of Florida (JWOF) and is still very active in her local community and church.
Some additional community focused roles, both past and present, include:
President of ICHS Alumni Association
Director, Jamaica Legacy Foundation
Trustee member Lauderhill Chamber of Commerce
Director, Jamaica USA Chamber of Commerce
FIU Alumni Circle Board Member
Servant Leader (Women & Children) Christ the Rock Community Church
The Jamaican Women of Florida
Community Award from Caribbean Americas Soccer Association (CASA)
Proclamation made by City of Lauderhill Proclaiming Janice McIntosh Day – March 3rd
The first Woman of Distinction of the Lauderhill Chamber in 2014
To cast a vote for Janice you must first registerunder the ‘Southern States’ to be on the eligible voters list. Once registered, you will receive a ballot by Dec 1, 2022. Registration deadline is November 30. Vote for Janice to represent you in the Southern USA. She is the Candidate that will put you FIRST!