Jamaican Men of Florida Mental Health Symposium Tackles Domestic Violence
Domestic Violence and Spousal Abuse during COVD-19
SOUTH FLORIDA – The Jamaican Men of Florida in acknowledgement of May as Mental Health Awareness Month, proudly invites you to a special discussion this Wednesday, May 20 at 9pm via Zoom.
Join their resourceful panelists of Licensed Professionals and experts as they discuss domestic violence, mental health, and the role of Jamaican men and their culture on future generations.
In addition, their panelist will address the significant increase in domestic violence cases since COVID-19, discuss the connection between mental health and domestic violence, and provide resources for anyone experiencing domestic violence during these times.
Jamaican Men of Florida Mental Health Symposium Panelists and Presenters
- Dr. Allan Cunningham
- Jamaican Consul General Oliver Mair
- Dr. Percy Ricketts
- Judge Norman Hemmings
- Dr. Rupert Francis
- Wellness Coach Calvin Garvey
- Moderated by: Dr. Jason-Anthony Prendergast
Time: May 20, 2020 09:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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