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Jamaican Diaspora Day Message

MIAMI – Today, June 16th, all Jamaicans by birth or heritage are encouraged to reflect on the reach of the Jamaican family across the world.

On June 16, 2004, at the launch of the first Jamaican Diaspora Conference in Kingston, Jamaica, the attending delegates from around the world, including the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada, resolved to declare and recognize June 16 to be observed as Jamaican Diaspora Day. Subsequently, the Government of Jamaica adopted the resolution and recognition of Jamaican Diaspora Day on June 16th worldwide.

We honor the decades of contributions of persons of Jamaican descent around the world, especially in the United Kingdom, Canada, and the United States. We have positively influenced all corners of society, including, but not limited to politics, education, music & entertainment, sports, science, and beyond. As the generations overlap, we must continue to galvanize our talents and resources, not only for the good of our local communities, but also for the upliftment of Jamaica. A healthier Jamaica will be reciprocally beneficial to our communities overseas.

Our bold, innovative, and vibrant spirit is a signature stamp of our personality: BRAND JAMAICA. We must recognize the unrealized power of our personality and its impact of the people around us in the world. This is a blessing and begins with the recognition that Jamaica is a family that extends beyond the 4,411 square miles of breathtaking mountain tops and pristine beaches. This global mindset will transform how we view our individual lives and the role we play in our respective communities. We have something to share with each other and those who share our goodwill. Let us unleash this energy within.

I wish you, your family, business, and organizations a Happy Jamaican Diaspora Day. I AM JAMAICA. WE ARE JAMAICA.

Marlon A. Hill, Esq.
Jamaican Diaspora Advisory Board
Southern United States

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