How to Ask A Girl for Her Phone Number
When you’re out on the town looking to score with the ladies, ladies love having their phones out. So, it’s important to be able to take someone’s phone for a quick snapshot of the contact information. Here are some tips for having the best chance to take someone’s contact information. You’ve seen this scenario before: You ask a girl for her phone number. She’s hesitant, maybe she’s even annoyed. So, here’s how to get her to give you her phone number.
Don’t go for her friends, ask her directly
People think of women and ask them to do things, not vice versa. However, according to a study by the University of Michigan, men and women tend to ask the other gender to do things more than vice versa. This inclination is more pronounced when we’re looking for a romantic partner (and it’s not just men who like to ask girls out).
Do not go round ask every girl for her phone number
While the pickup artist community has gained a lot of popularity, many people have started to question the effectiveness of their techniques. Some have even called them an “illusion” leaving the person being approached wondering how exactly to get a phone number.
The best pickup line is one that is quick, concise, and simple to remember, but not so simple that you get caught off guard when it’s uttered. Picking the right lines is important since it can make or break your chances of getting a girl to take your number.
Do not be clingy
Do you know that “You’re my favorite person in the world” message you send when you want to keep in touch with your crush? It’s okay to send that message, but why not add a little extra? While some guys will try texting a girl on the first day, they meet her, but often, they fail to ask her for her phone number. But, if you do want to get her number, there is a method of asking which is more effective than sitting at home trying to get her attention and failing, and that’s asking her on a date. Then you can get her number and get on with the flirtation.
Every girl loves to be asked for her phone number; it’s one of the most important parts of the wedding ritual. But what happens when you get the number but never hear back? Or do you get it too late to call? What if you get it, but she says she doesn’t want to give it to you until she’s sure you’re in a relationship? Or how about when she says she’s in a relationship? All these situations can be devastating to your self-esteem. To keep your hopes up, you must think positively.
Hand her your number
If you’re new to the scene, then you may be feeling a bit of pressure to prove to women that you’re really someone to be trusted with their phone numbers. However, if you care about getting past your first few days, then you need to learn how to make girls want to give you their number. This is the only way to get their attention in the first place. So you need to make sure you are taking what they say seriously.
In almost every situation, the first thing guys do is ask women for their phone numbers. And they’re not wrong to do so. In fact, it would be a good idea to get one of those before you leave, since you’ll need it if a woman says no or accepts a date with you. But how do you ask a woman for her phone number? Have you ever noticed how girls are always too shy to call guys to ask for their number? But if you are nice enough to ask them for theirs, then they are okay with giving them to you.