Health Benefits of Drinking Rose Wines

The obsession of everyone, especially millennials, with rosé shows no sign of slowing down. Over the last few years, the famous pink drink has evolved into a permanent presence on social media platforms from being an occasional fixture on Instagram. Rosé candy, rosé deodorant, and even rosé popsicles made their debuts in the wine market.
As rose wine is becoming more popular than ever, it’s about time that we ask this question, “Where does rosé fall on the health spectrum when it comes to the rainbow of wines?
Nutritionists claim that variety of Rosé wines are healthier than white wines, although red and orange contain more antioxidants. The only snag is that Rosé will need sulfites to keep it flavorful and fresh. So, if you have any sensitivity, better keep your distance from it.
Does this mean you need to change your mantra of “rosé all day” to “rosé once in a while?” The answer is not necessarily, although it’s good to keep a moderate consumption. Besides, indulging with it once in a while will serve you with the following health benefits.
A Little Bit of Alcohol Will Do Good to Your Health
Consuming a moderate amount of alcoholic beverages is linked to reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Rosé wine contains alcohol that thins out the blood and increases HDL or good cholesterol level. It might even reduce the risk of a heart attack, heart disease, or stroke.
Those who have high-risk factors for heart disease can get benefits consuming moderate alcohol. Fortunately for rosé, it only contains less alcohol compared to red and white wines, which is good if you don’t want to overdo it.
It Can Lower Down Bad Cholesterol Level
Rosé wine contains many useful compounds with potential anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants. For instance, the Polyphenols found in rosé wine can help lower LDL or bad cholesterol level. It also has potassium that lowers down blood pressure.
This pink liquor is also enriched with anti-inflammatory qualities help minimize the risk of rheumatoid arthritis. But just like its cardiovascular benefits, they’re only attainable through moderate consumption. Overdoing, it might lead you to health issues instead of wellness.
It Contains Fewer Calories
Another good thing about rosé wine is that it’s low in calories, which makes it a diet-friendly option. A five-ounce glass of rosé wine has, more or less, 82 calories, making it one of the alcoholic drinks with the lowest calories.
Further, the crisp, fresh flavor of rosé wine makes it an ideal summer and spring wine that you can pair equally well with chicken, pasta, and grilled meals.
It Has More Resveratrol Than White Wine (But Lesser Than Red Wine)
The significant benefits that you get from wine come from antioxidants, particularly resveratrol. It’s a potent anti-aging compound that protects your brain and minimizes the risk of heart disease.
Rose wines might have higher resveratrol levels than white wines, but red wines, especially those made from fermented grape skins, still has the highest level of antioxidants. It owes to the fact that winemakers immediately strain the skin from the white wine and a little early for the rosé wines during the production process, which causes these wines to have low resveratrol level.
Some rosé wines, especially the American varieties, might contain a blend of white and red wines which render them higher resveratrol level.
It Has Phytochemical Benefits
Besides antioxidants, rosé wine is also armed with compounds that are rich in anti-inflammatory properties. In fact, it contains polyphenols, which can significantly lower blood pressure and LDL or bad cholesterol, and rheumatoid arthritis.
But then again, all of these benefits can only be reaped through moderate consumption.
It Contains Potassium
Potassium is a useful mineral that plays a significant role in balancing the water ratio in the body as well as metabolism. That said, drinking a rosé will help maintain the fluid of your body at its required level. It also does wonder in heartbeat regulation.
It Reduces Risk of Heart Attack
Indulging in a glass of rose wine is also beneficial in reducing the risk of a heart attack. Thanks to its powerful antioxidants that help damper down or thin out the inflammation of blood vessels.
Hugely associated with swanky beachside bars, sun-kissed French terraces, and warm alfresco drinking, the frivolous and flirty sibling of red and white wine is having its moment. And to be honest, we don’t need an excuse for drinking rose more than what we already do. But of course, if they will be handed to us, we’ll gladly accept them. With all the health benefits you can get out of drinking it, it only fits that you indulge yourself with an occasional drink.
Author Bio
Scarlett Wells is a freelance writer and wine enthusiast. She is an active critique examining all levels of wine types so she can produce reviews and articles that will help guide every consumer in selecting the right kind of wine to drink. Aside from that, she wrote a lot of blogs maximizing the real usage of wines. In her free time, she reads a lot about food and beverage pairing in order to help her become an effective mentor inspiring everyone to maintain a fit and fab lifestyle.