
Congresswoman Barbara Lee Slams President Trump’s Backwards Policy towards Cuba

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Slams President Trump’s Backwards Policy towards Cuba
Congresswoman Barbara Lee

WASHINGTON, DC On Wednesday, April 18th, Congresswoman Barbara Lee released the following statement on the Trump Administration’s new policies further restricting U.S. relations with Cuba:

“The Trump Administration’s announcement today on the implementation of Title III or Helms-Burton flies in the face of decades of bipartisan consensus and will only serve to further isolate the United States from our key allies.  It will also harm U.S. interests and our ability to resolve outstanding property claims in Cuba. In addition, the Administration’s decision to cap remittances and restrict Americans’ travel to Cuba takes us back down the same failed road toward isolation that failed for more than five decades.

“These counterproductive and harmful actions will only hurt ordinary Cuban people, undermine our ability to cooperate with Cuba on key national security issues, and impede on Americans’ ability to travel to Cuba.”

South Florida Caribbean News

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