Community Blog: Where Exactly Does Your Allegiance Lie
By: Pat White
MIAMI – They say America is a melting pot of different cultures and races and this was evident during the recent Olympic games in Beijing, China. We saw an array of nationalities who represented the U.S. Shawn Johnson, Gold Medal Gymnast, was coached by a Chinese former Olympian. Nastia Liukin, another Gold Medal Gymnast was coached by her father who won 2 Gold Medals when he represented the Soviet Union in the 1988 Olympics.
At times, (when I wasn’t actually watching, but was only listening to the TV,) I had to actually turn and look at the TV when I heard the very strong accents of athletes that represented the U.S. There were many athletes who participated in long distance running that migrated from countries like Ethiopia and Kenya. One of the fastest female sprinters that represented the US is from Jamaica – Sandra Richardson.
As I watched the Olympics and cheered on the Jamaican team, I realized (in this melting pot of ours,) that Brazilian-Americans were probably cheering on Brazilian volleyball players; Australian-Americans were probably cheering on the Australian Swimmers; Ethiopian-Americans were probably cheering on the long distance runners from Ethiopia. I’m sure you get my point.
Bernard Lagat (left) – Kenyan Born, US 1500 Meters Runner
This brings forth the question, Where then does your allegiance really lie? I know that the Jamaican Diaspora across the globe was cheering and rooting for the Jamaican athletic team with all their might and core. And, when they were victorious, the Jamaican Diaspora, just like Jamaicans at home, beamed with untold pride.
When one migrates to another country and assimilates into the culture and lifestyle, are they truly a member of that country at heart? When it comes right down to it, where does your patriotism and allegiance lie; The country where you were born, and where your character was molded or the country that you adopted as home? I guess its possible to love and be patriotic to more than one country. This Olympics showed us and many immigrants would tell you that people can love their home country as much as they love the great USA.
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Pat White
Community Blog: Pat’s Pet Peeves Daily Blog. Sometimes Controversial – Sometimes Humorous – Always Thought Provoking.