Community Blog: Its Easier to be a Sexist than a Racist
By: Pat White
FT. LAUDERDALE – Now that the Primaries’ dust have settled, I believe many should look in the mirror and ask themselves the hard question – Am I an Sexist? Many – mostly men – have expressed such bias toward Senator Clinton with absolutely no factual basis behind it. She has been described as someone who feels she is entitled. Just because she spoke with conviction and determination she was described as someone who thinks she is entitled. Men have spoken just as passionately but they were not described as being entitled. Senator Clinton has been crucified by haters just because she had the audacity to say that she deserved the Presidency of the United States. How dear she? There were organizations and individuals who campaigned against her, for no other reason but for her audacity.
There are leaders in our community that refused to even give her the profound acknowledgment of her achievement of being the first woman to come so close to being the Democratic Party nominee. These so called leaders need to take a hard look at themselves and ask themselves the hard questions as well. They make no bones about elevating Mr. Obama as a leader and role model for youngsters as to what they can achieve. They refuse to acknowledge Mrs. Clinton as a role model for young women in the same way. These men have daughters of their own and they could in the same breathe acknowledge Mrs. Clinton as a role model who made history just as Mr. Obama did.
Their hatred and bias have gotten the best of them. And, now that the voting is over, they are speaking out of the sides of their mouths in a patronizing way about the achievement of women. Women have come a long way since earning the right to vote, but some men still think there is a place for women and they should stay in their place. Think about the women in the Middle East who have to cover themselves from head to toe in black and dear not be seen in public. They are property of men and are controlled by men, and has no real individuality. Even though most men in the West are not this bad, some still cannot accept the possibility of a female President.
People tip toed around Obama and made sure not to say the wrong thing, for not wanting to be called a racist. However, there was no holding back when it came to attacking Senator Clinton. People knew they could not and would not get away with a lot of the stuff that was aimed at Clinton, if they were aimed at Obama. Hence, it is much easier to be a sexist than a racist right now and get away with it.
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Pat White
Community Blog: Pat’s Pet Peeves Daily Blog. Sometimes Controversial – Sometimes Humorous – Always Thought Provoking.