Local News

Commentary with Winston Barnes: ELECTION

DAVIE – The last five or so weeks have offered a number of lessons that it might do well for the community to understand, on the matter of elections and politics.

For one thing some people confuse politics with public service, and hence while some people are prepared to lose thousands of dollars in salary, to serve in elected office, some people are prepared to spend tens of thousands of dollars seeking political office.

Another lesson is that people who claim to be political sometimes have virtually no understanding of politics. In regard to the community, many people believe that the purpose of elected officials is to take close to what might be described as verbal abuse, even when the person doing the abuse is going to vote for the person seeking office.

These past five weeks have also proven that people too often take much too much for granted. For example, so many people offer to help when they either don’t intend to or simply can not. And maybe most critical, some people are prepared to foster ethnic divisions as long as they believe it can win them political office.

In other words, even in the President Obama era, it is politics as usual, and much of it is as ugly as it has ever been.

Winston Barnes
Host – “Open Mic” WAVS 1170AM

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