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Central Florida Caribbean-American group organizes mission trip to Jamaica

ORLANDO – Dusty Cooper of Isle Go has been spearheading mission trips to the Caribbean, with much focus given to Jamaica in particular for over 25 years.

From July 10-17, 2007 there is a mission trip scheduled to Jamaica, to address the needs of the Arthur Wint School located in Lucea, Hanover. The Isle Go organization will help in assisting to meet the needs of the Arthur Wint School in Jamaica.

Sandy Isaacs, owner / CEO of Break Away Moments, and Dusty Cooper, Executive Director of Isle Go organization, have been working together to streamline the effort to build a playground, help renovate the building, furnish the classrooms, gain classroom supplies and materials, bring the bathrooms up to standard to meet new government regulations, and do whatever possible for the students at the Arthur Wint School which services approximately 160 students this current school year. Colleen Wint (Arthur Wint’s daughter) and her family, are also involved in striving to help meet these needs.

Additional help is needed. The organizations are looking for 15-20 missionaries to take the trip from the US. More volunteers are needed in Jamaica to help with this project where ‘many hands will make for light work’ says Sandy. Individuals, businesses and/or organizations are being encouraged to somehow get involved.

Dusty will be a guest on ‘Break Away Moments…the ultimate radio travel experience show’ hosted by Sandy Isaacs on WOKB 1600 AM in Orlando, speaking to listeners about his organization on February 17.

According to Sandy, “Based on the fact that he has been taking numerous mission groups to the Caribbean, Dusty’s organization has significantly impacted the Caribbean Travel & Tourism Industry with guest house stays, utilization of island transportation, the purchase of restaurant meals, Caribbean souvenir purchases and more, while helping to service to the needs of the Caribbean community in doing the Lord’s work”.

Dusty Cooper will be the Team Leader for this mission trip as he has developed expertise in this area, based on many years of experience in doing so, however, missionaries and volunteers within Jamaica, are also needed to assist in this project.

Support from the local and overseas community in this endeavor is being encouraged.

Current sponsors for this mission include Air Jamaica, Simone Champagnie of SNC Destinations, and Christopher Wright, Representative of Jamaica Tourist Board.

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