Caribbean Bar Association (CBA) & City of Miramar Hosts Immigration Town Hall Meeting
MIRAMAR – On Thursday, May 9, 2013, 6-8pm, the Caribbean Bar Association, in collaboration with Commissioner Wayne Messam of the City of Miramar will host a Community Town Hall Briefing at the City of Miramar City Hall Chambers, 2300 Civic Center Place, Miramar to educate the community about the impending legislation on immigration reform and its impact on families and businesses.
Established in 1994, with over 250 members and associate members, the Caribbean Bar Association (“CBA”) is a voluntary bar association comprising lawyers from different countries in the Caribbean who practice law primarily in Florida and other states. Our immigrant community in Florida has depended on the CBA to represent them in numerous situations and none perhaps more important to them than the issue of immigration.
In January, 2013 with the country seemingly poised to address the issue of comprehensive immigration reform (“CIR), the CBA began deliberation for its involvement in the legislative process. The CBA has submitted issues of concern to the Caribbean immigrant community and disseminated the same to the South Florida Congressional Delegation. In partnership with the Florida Immigrant Coalition, the CBA has met with from the offices of Sen. Marco Rubio R-FL and Sen. Bill Nelson and has also partnered with the Black Immigrant Network, Institute of Caribbean Studies (ICS), and the Congressional Black Caucus in identifying issues in the legislation of common concern.
“Immigration reform is an issue of tantamount concern to the unity of Caribbean-American families and the sustainability of our vibrant business community. We intend to play a proactive role in ensuring that all Caribbean-Americans, irrespective of language or culture, are armed with the relevant information to be informed and engaged citizens in this legislative process,” stated Schuyler Smith, president, Caribbean Bar Association.
The public is invited to attend the Community Town Hall briefing to learn more about the proposed legislation and the expected nuances of the legislative process.
To RSVP: Call Schuyler Smith, CBA President, 305.416.3180 or email: [email protected]. Follow updates on the Town Hall Briefing on Twitter @CBALawyers #Immigration