Local News

Commentary with Winston Barnes – Tiger Woods Press

DAVIE – The media circus that has surrounded what is essentially a very private matter should teach us a few lessons. Number one is that we as consumers of news, or what passes for news, are being played for suckers.

News has been replaced by scandal mongering propagated by parasites who like to call themselves reporters. But these scandal TV shows, sensational tabloids and just rumor mills, have become this popular for the simple fact that we not only purchase these publications, but we watch the television shows which are the entertainment equivalent of spit in your face commentary shows on cable television.

One sports commentator says we need to pay attention for example to the fact that the scandal magazine that offers a telephone conversation between the golfer and a woman, frees you to hear it only after forcing you to watch commercial messages.

Hard times sometimes need diversions to help us navigate the rough waters, but are we not contributing to this epidemic of character destruction by spending money and time looking for the weakness in others when we share those same transgressions as mere humans. As humans though we ought to show common sense and recognize when we are being played, for profit, using someone else’s tragedy or embarrassment.

Winston Barnes
Host – “Open Mic” WAVS 1170AM

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