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Political Commentary: Why I Choose Senator Clinton

By: Sherylle A. Gordon

FT. LAUDERDALE – Regardless of which candidate you support in the primary, most everyone would agree that this political season has been the most exciting in decades.

The Democrats have succeeded in re-energizing categories of the electorate that have historically not participated in the primaries, because for the first time, a black man and a white woman are serious contenders for the nomination.

Of course, this has generated passionate and enthusiastic debate, everywhere, even causing households, like mine, to split over whether Senator Clinton or Senator Obama would make a better democratic nominee.

I chose Senator Clinton in the primary election, because I’ve long admired her intelligence, strength, courage and willingness to fight for what she believed in even in the face of incredible odds. I was first impressed by Senator Clinton during Bill Clinton’s presidency, when she fought long and hard for universal health care.

She was excoriated and ridiculed, but she persisted, even though she was ultimately unsuccessful. But at a time when she could have simply been reading to children, supporting popular charities or championing some other less controversial cause, she chose to address what has since become one of the most important issues in our country. I have since been impressed by the work her and Bill Clinton continue to do in Africa in making Aids-related drugs more affordable and accessible to millions and her success as a two term New York Senator.

I have no problem that she is the consummate politician, as she could not have gotten to be a serious contender if she were otherwise. Yes, she is a former president’s wife, and while that may have opened doors for her she has had to pay her dues and prove herself. She is definitely a fighter and was a worthy contender for the nomination. I say was, because it appears that Senator Obama will be the likely nominee — a fact not lost on Senator Clinton, whose toned down campaign rhetoric signals her willingness and ability to work towards the common goal of defeating the Republicans in November.

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