6 Ways to Make Your Tea Taste Better

Are you a huge fan of one of the most popular beverages in the world? If you love tea, your answer should definitely be yes.
Perhaps just next to the water, many sources indicate that tea is the most widely consumed drink around the planet. But why do some people prefer beer, vodka, or coffee instead?
It might be out of personal tastes and preferences, or it might be that they don’t like the taste of tea from one or all the first few occasions they encounter it.
Benefits of Tea
Derived mostly from the Camellia Sinensis leaves, which are then ground and boiled to make the beverage, tea provides a ton load of benefits to the consumer. While the benefits may vary in different types of teas, it’s been generally shown by research to help with weight loss, boost immunity, and even offer protection from cardiovascular disease.
Improving the Taste of Tea
To enjoy most of the above benefits, you have to be a regular consumer of tea. That’s to say that if your tea tastes better and more flavorful, you are more likely to consume it regularly compared to plain or boring tea. Below are a few ways you can improve the taste of each brew of tea you make.
1. Use Quality Tea Bags
While most tea refiners use carnelian Sinensis leaves, the tea grades can be different from one brand to the other. This is why you may find a disparity in taste.
If you make your tea straight into the cup, you want to consider experimenting with different brands and conducting thorough research to find the best quality tea bags.
2. Add Botanicals
Or you can diversify your options and make your own DIY tea packing bags using different kinds of teas and botanicals. And let’s be honest, tea bags can sometimes be overpriced.
In this case, the folks at Monterey Bay Herb say that wholesale empty tea bags can be more economical, convenient, and fun. You can even use the everyday heat sources in your home to seal the DIY tea bags with the contents inside.
3. Add Milk
If you’re looking for a way to taste the sweetness of your tea without the extra sugar, adding some milk will certainly help. To be honest, sometimes a sip of tea with a few teaspoons of sugar is the perfect combination for taste. But if you’re a healthy tea drinker, especially one who’s trying to lose weight, milk can add some extra flavor without additional calories.
4. Use Fresh Water to Brew Tea
The water used in the tea brewing process needs to be of the right temperature. Also, as any good tea-maker knows; the quality matters.
So if you’re brewing your tea with store-bought hot water, try switching it out for fresh spring water, filtered water, or even teabag water (which may actually be overpriced tea bags). All of the above will ensure you are getting the best tasting tea you can.
5. Add Some Ginger and Honey
Ginger is one of the greatest ingredients that you can add to tea. In addition to its stimulating taste, ginger has a host of health benefits. It can also be used as a remedy to soothe the stomach, as it can help with indigestion.
And honey is also beneficial for your digestive system, especially if you’re sensitive to sugar. It has unique nutrients that can help boost your health in a host of ways.
6. Lase It with Peppermint or Cinnamon
Finally, you can try adding a few drops of peppermint oil and/or some cinnamon to your tea to give it an extra spicy taste. It’s a very easy and effective way to improve the taste of your favorite brew.
Now that you know about some of the ways you can improve the taste of your tea, do try these out!