100 Black of Greater Fort Lauderdale Annual Bike Drive In Full Gear
FT. LAUDERDALE – The 100 Black Men of Greater Fort Lauderdale, Inc. (100BMOGFL) is hosting their 4th Annual 100 Bike Drive. They are seeking support from the community to participate in this wonderful event.
Annually the 100BMOGFL award bicycles to students throughout the county for their scholastic achievement. Students in elementary and middle schools throughout Broward County will be awarded bicycles on December 12th at a family fun day event.
Your donation will allow them to achieve their goal of awarding 100 bicycles to students who are continuously making scholastic progress. As the holiday season symbolizes the mid-point of the scholastic year, we would like to utilize that opportunity to provide bicycles for students that instituted hard work and dedication.
Further, the “100 Bike Drive” can serve as motivation to close the second half of the year on a strong note. The awarding of 100 bicycles will demonstrate to the youth and educators that scholastic improvement is not only recognized in the classroom, but also in the community.
The 100BMOGFL, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization whose mission is to improve the quality of life and enhance the educational opportunities for people of African descent. This is achieved through various programs in the areas of Mentoring, Education, Economic Development, and Health & Wellness. For more information on our organization, visit our web site.
You can make your charitable tax deductible contribution directly through PayPal by clicking http://www.100blackmengfl.org/bikedrive.html
or make your checks payable to:
100 Black Men of Greater Fort Lauderdale
10097 Cleary Boulevard Suite #302
Plantation, Florida 33324