William Knibb Memorial High School Alumni South Florida Chapter to stage its annual reunion weekend from October 14-16

By: Derrick A. Scott

The William Knibb Memorial High School Alumni South Florida Chapter will stage its annual Reunion weekend from October 14 – 16th, 2005, with a number of activities in South Florida.

The weekend will bring together past students from as far as Jamaica, United Kingdom, Canada and various states throughout the United States. The weekend activities will kick-off on Friday, October 14, with a welcome party at the residence of past student, Patricia Robinson, followed by a welcome breakfast at the home of Madge Johnson on Saturday, October 15.

According to the President of the South Florida Chapter, Trevor Dale, “The William Knibb Memorial High School Alumni reunion has become an annual event, whereby past students and friends of Trelawny get together to support the institution that have greatly assisted them in moving forward in their education.” Dale pointed out that the main highlight of the weekend activities will be the staging of the annual Fund Raising Dinner and Dance on Saturday, October 15, 2005, which will be held at the Plantation Hotel Conference Center at 7pm.

The guest speaker at the dinner will be the Principal of the William Knibb Memorial High School, Dania Wynter, who is expected to give an update on the performance of the school. Attendees will dance to the music of Sly, Slick and Wicked Disco with Steve Gregg at the controls coming from Falmouth, Jamaica. The master of ceremonies will be Derrick Scott, host of Caribbean Report on People’s TV in Atlanta, Georgia.

President Dale stated, “proceeds from this years fund-raising dinner will go towards purchasing computers to equip the school’s computer lab. Last year the South Florida Chapter contributed $4,000 from their fund-raising dinner towards the construction of the Computer Lab. Dale also pointed out that the Alumni was committed in Supporting their former school in whatever way possible.”

On Sunday, October 16, members will attend a church at 9am, at The Christway Baptist Church, the sermon will be delivered by Rev. Westley Green, followed by a brunch and annual general meeting, where new officers will be elected.

The William Knibb High School which is named after the great emancipator the Rev. William Knibb was founded by the Rev. Stephen James former pastor of the Duncans Baptist Church some 44 years ago when the parish of Trelawny had only one high school.

To date the institution which was founded September 6, 1961, at the Old William Knibb Baptist Mans on Market Street, Falmouth and has outgrown that premises and is now a Government Grant Aid school located on Holland Road, Martha Brae near Falmouth with a student population of over 900 students. Its students can be found all over the world making various contributions in society.

The weekend is being sponsored by the Jamaica National Building Society.

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