Why You’re Getting Varicose Veins And What Happens If Left Untreated
Varicose veins are mostly found in your legs, however, all superficial veins can turn into varicose veins. They are enlarged and twisted veins that vary in severity as some are mild that might raise only a cosmetic concern, and others can cause some serious problems and cause pain and discomfort. Doctors at a varicose veins clinic located in Dallas sometimes prescribe some self-care procedures to treat varicose veins, but in some cases, they have to be removed before they cause serious problems. That is why you should never ignore them and have your doctor assess the affected area and decide an appropriate course of action. If what you have are varicose veins, read on as in this article, we will tell you why you are getting varicose veins and what happens if they are left untreated.
Causes of Varicose Veins
Varicose veins result from damaged or weak valves and vein walls. Our veins have only one-way valves where blood travels. Usually, when the vein walls are less flexible and stretched, our valves get weaker, and in that case, blood leaks backward and flows in the other way around and accumulates in veins, causing them to get enlarged and become swollen. There are many potential causes of varicose veins, and below are some of them:
- Obesity
- Family history
- Menopause
- Standing for long times
- Sitting for long times
- Age
- Constipation
- Tumor
- Hormonal changes in women
- Jobs that require a long time standing periods
When to See a Doctor
Usually, varicose veins have no complications and are not dangerous. Cases may still be different, and if you tried to alleviate the symptoms through some lifestyle changes and home remedies but it didn’t work, then you need to find a Vein Doctor to assess your condition and prescribe the right treatment for you. Ignoring the pain and progression of symptoms is not a good idea because sometimes, the veins need to be removed by a surgeon before they cause some real problems. The surgery is done by performing a ligation and stripping procedure.
There are other treatment options like sclerotherapy, microsclerotherapy, endoscopic being surgery, laser surgery, and endovenous ablation therapy where heat alongside radiofrequency waves are used to block off veins. Home remedies include maintaining a healthy weight, regular exercise, avoiding standing up or sitting down for long hours, using compression socks, and elevating your legs when sleeping or resting. There are some common symptoms to varicose veins that include:
- Bulging veins
- Blue or purple veins
- Pain in legs
- Telangiectasia
- Heavy legs
- Swollen ankles
- Lipodermatosclerosis
- Leg cramps when standing up
- Restless leg syndrome
- Atrophie blanche
Complications of Varicose Veins
If you undermine proper blood flow in any medical condition, complications may arise. As mentioned above, most varicose veins cases have no complications, however, it could happen. Usually, over time, varicose veins get worse, but that doesn’t mean they will cause any medical problems unless complications occur. It’s better to be safe than sorry, and that is why it is preferable to go to your doctor and discuss with them the risks and the treatment plans, as they will suggest different courses of action depending on the location and size of the affected veins. Below are signs to look for that might indicate the occurrence of complications:
- Inflammation of veins (thrombophlebitis).
- Bleeding
- Chronic Venous Insufficiency – Although it is not caused by varicose veins, both are related. Chronic venous insufficiency can cause hard skin, varicose eczema, and venous ulcers and that is why it is essential that you seek medical care if you suspect that you have chronic venous insufficiency to get a proper evaluation of your condition.
It is always better to seek medical help when experiencing anything unusual or different in your body. General physicians can assess and identify the reason for the changes in your body and provide you with the right treatment plan. Something as minor as varicose veins, if left untreated, can result in complications and pain. However, you can try some home remedies as treatment and make lifestyle changes before you see a doctor. If that doesn’t work or your symptoms get worse then it is time to see a doctor. There are many treatment options for severe cases of varicose veins that involve surgical intervention if needed. The right thing to do is to seek a vein specialist, as they have the knowledge and experience in this specific field, which makes them your best option for making your condition better. Remember that ignoring varicose veins will not make them go away. Seeking medical help might cost you a few bucks but, your health should be your top priority, and making sure that everything is alright is definitely worth it.