
When You Need to See a Dentist ASAP

Dental pain might be one of the worst types of pain because there’s no escaping it. The pain is inside your head, and so you can’t ignore it or distract yourself from it the way you can with a sore finger, for instance. More than this, it can make eating and sleeping difficult, and because the pain is so close to your brain, it needs to be taken seriously.

When You Need to See a Dentist ASAP

The following will break down some of the things that should be read as signals that you need to see a dentist right away. It can be tough to go to a dentist if you don’t feel like you can pay for it. There are dental offices in many bigger cities such as Dr. Kimberly that do free or low-cost dental work. If you look around for it, you should be able to find it. Try also to remind yourself that the longer you wait, the more expensive your treatment will likely be. Early intervention is almost always the least costly route.

Gums Are Bleeding, Red, And Inflamed

Having swollen, red, or bleeding gums is a sign of gum disease (in the early stages, it’s called gingivitis). This is a gum infection that, over time, damages the soft tissues. If left untreated, it can destroy the bone that supports your teeth. Teeth will eventually loosen or fall out. The reason you should be seeking the help of a Northstar dentists is that gum disease can progress quite quickly. If gum disease is treated early, the process is relatively simple, a cleaning in the dentist’s office. If you let it advance before seeking medical attention, you might even need surgery. Other symptoms of gum disease include:

  • A shift in how your teeth fit together when you clench your teeth
  • Swollen and puffy gums
  • Gums that are pulling away from your teeth (You might not notice the gums, but you might feel like your teeth look longer)
  • Bright red or purple gums
  • New spaces between teeth
  • Tender gums
  • It hurts to chew
  • Gums bleeding easily
  • Loose teeth or falling out teeth
  • Your toothbrush is pink after brushing
  • There’s pus between your teeth or gums
  • You spit out blood when you brush or floss your teeth
  • Bad breath

It’s important to note that if gum disease is left to develop, it can have an effect on other aspects of your health. It increases your chances of developing diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

If You Crack Or Chip A Tooth

If you have cracked or chips a tooth, you need to seek out a dentist. Not only can this cause sensitivity and pain, but it also leaves a space for bacteria to enter into the tooth, which can lead to an infection. Some emergency dental services will often take you in for a same-day appointment if you call in about this sort of problem. A small crack or chip can be fixed with a filling. More significant cracks might need a root canal. Sometimes the tooth is so cracked or broken; it cannot be saved; it needs to be taken out.

If Pus Is Found In Your Mouth

Having pus gather in your mouth can be a sign of a dental or gum abscess. This needs to be addressed immediately. This sort of infection can spread and result in more serious medical problems. The bacteria can spread to the brain and even result in death. Dental infections left untreated can also lead to sepsis. Treatment could involve draining the infection, taking antibiotics, or root canals. As a side note: whenever you’re prescribed antibiotics, you need to be asking a few essential questions. This is because antibiotics should never be taken unless necessary. Worldwide antibiotic resistance is becoming a problem, and this needs to be taken seriously.

If Your Tooth Feels Too Little (Numb) Or Too Much (Life Derailing Sensitivity)

Feeling a numb tooth can be a sign that a root canal is needed. This can mean that the nerve inside has died. A dying nerve can be caused by a cracked tooth, a big cavity, injury or trauma to a tooth, teeth grinding, or a tooth that is dying due to decay. Likewise, hyper-sensitivity that is influencing your daily life can be a sign of tooth decay. Beyond this, extremely sensitive teeth can negatively impact your health and nutrition by limiting what you eat and how often you eat.

If Your Jaw Is Swollen, Clicking, Or Won’t Open

Dental pain might be one of the worst types of pain because there’s no escaping it. The pain is inside your head, and so you can’t ignore it or distract yourself from it the way you can with a sore finger, for instance. More than this, it can make eating and sleeping difficult, and because the pain is so close to your brain, it needs to be taken seriously.

The dentist isn’t only for tooth problems. Jaw problems can also mean you need to see a dentist. Anytime the way your jaw functions changes, you should be paying attention. If your jaw becomes locked (either in an open position or a closed position), see the dentist immediately as they can reset it. Swelling around the jaw area can be a sign of an infected tooth, a cyst, or a tumor. Clicking or popping noises can be signs of specific disorders as well.

If You Have A Bad Taste In Your Mouth

If you consistently taste something bad in your mouth, this is a sign of an infection, oral thrust, gum disease, respiratory infections, yeast infections, Hepatitis B, or wisdom teeth coming in. If the taste is metallic specifically, this might be the side effect of a new medication. It can also signal hormonal changes.

If You Are Struggling To Eat For Any Oral Reason

If anything is going on in your mouth or jaw that makes it difficult for you to eat and meet your caloric or nutritional needs, you should seek out a dentist. Overextended periods of time, continually not meeting your dietary requirements, or getting enough calories can have countless adverse effects. Your mental, emotional, and physical health are in danger if you’re not giving your body everything you need.

If you have any of the above symptoms or signs, this is a big indicator that you should be heading to the dentist. Of course, no one knows your body as well as you do. If you have a symptom not on this list but instinctively feel that something is seriously wrong, seek medical or dental attention. Never ignore feelings that something is wrong. Your body is always communicating with you, and it knows how to send you messages in ways that you’ll understand. If you ignore these messages, it will speak to you louder.

South Florida Caribbean News

The Team provides news and information for the Caribbean-American community in South Florida and beyond.

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