
What Are Jackknife Accidents? And What Should You Do Following Them?

Traveling on the road comes with its own set of challenges and risks. One such risk is the occurrence of jackknife accidents. This can be a terrifying experience for drivers and road users. The weight and size of the vehicle can cause significant damage to property and human life.

In this article, we will explore jackknife accidents in detail and offer some more information for what to do following these types of tragic accidents.

Jackknife Accidents

What Are Jackknife Accidents?

A jackknife accident involving a tractor-trailer is an accident that happens when the truck loses control, and the cab and trailer swing apart to create a 90-degree angle resembling the blade and handle of a pocket knife. When they occur, at high speeds, the combination of the cab and trailer’s weight and momentum makes the situation even more dangerous as it can lead to dangerous roll-overs.

These incidents can result in life-threatening injuries, devastating property damage, and, in severe cases, fatalities. It is important to exercise caution when driving around these large vehicles, especially when roads are slick, and always be mindful of the dangers of jackknife accidents.

Common Causes of Jackknife Truck Accidents

Jackknife truck accidents can have a variety of causes, all of which can pose serious threats to the safety of drivers and other individuals on the road.

Here are the common types of accidents that can lead to jackknife truck accidents:

  • Poor road conditions: Slippery road surfaces due to ice, rain, or other hazards can reduce the traction and control of a truck’s tires, making it more likely to skid or spin out of control.
  • Speeding on curves: Trucks traveling at high speeds on curved roads are at risk of jackknifing, as their trailers can swing out from behind them due to centrifugal force.
  • Sudden maneuvers: Abruptly swerving or turning a truck can cause it to jackknife, particularly if the driver overcorrects and loses control.
  • Braking issues: Overbraking or sudden braking can cause a truck’s wheels to lock up, leading to skidding, sliding, and possible jackknifing.
  • Equipment failures: Faulty brakes, tires, and other mechanical issues can increase the likelihood of a jackknife accident, as they compromise a truck’s ability to operate safely and predictably.

In addition to these common causes, other factors can contribute to jackknife truck accidents, including driver fatigue, distracted driving, and improper weight distribution in the trailer.

What Should You Do Following This Type of Accident?

If you find yourself in a truck accident, remember that your safety should be your top priority. The steps you take after the accident can make a significant difference in terms of the outcome. First and foremost, check yourself and your passengers for any injuries. If there are any severe injuries, call the paramedics right away.

Next, you must call the police to create an accident report. It’s always better to have an official record of the incident that can help with insurance claims and lawyers. Take pictures of your injuries and any damages to your vehicle and the truck for evidence.

If the damages to your car are not serious, move it off to the side of the road to avoid any further accidents. Talk to witnesses about what they saw and get their contact information for future questions if needed.

Finally, remember to contact your accident lawyer as soon as possible. Whitley law firm has experienced truck accident lawyers that can help you sort out the insurance claims and legal proceedings that follow the accident. By following these steps, you’ll be able to ensure that everything is handled efficiently and effectively in the aftermath of a truck accident.

What Damages Can You Be Rewarded?

One may seek compensation for different types of damages following a truck accident in North Carolina. Economic damages encompass the monetary losses incurred as a result of the accident, such as medical expenses, lost wages, property damage, and future earning capacity.

On the other hand, non-economic damages take into account intangible losses, such as pain and suffering, emotional distress, loss of consortium, and diminished quality of life. Although punitive damages are rare, they are awarded in extreme cases where the defendant’s actions were deemed intentional or grossly negligent. However, when a truck accident results in a wrongful death, the damages sought may also include funeral expenses, loss of financial support, and loss of companionship.

In such cases, the deceased’s family can bring a wrongful death claim against the at-fault party seeking compensation for their devastating loss. While no amount of money can bring back a loved one or undo the physical and emotional trauma caused by a truck accident, seeking damages is one way to hold responsible parties accountable and obtain financial support to help with the aftermath.

Stay Calm, Know What to Do Following a Truck Accident!

Jackknife accidents are more than just a loss of control that leads to a trailer and a tractor forming a sharp angle. They can be catastrophic, oftentimes causing severe injuries or fatalities. If you find yourself in this situation, it is critical to remain calm and cautious. Remember, prevention is better than cure, so always ensure your vehicle is adequately maintained and operated within safe speed limits to minimize the risk of jackknife accidents.



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