Trinidad shuffles responsibilities of Ministries
Eight Ministries in Trinidad have amended areas of responsibility following the recent cabinet reshuffle announced by Prime Minister Patrick Manning.
The Department of Ecclesiastical Affairs, formerly under Social Services Delivery now falls directly under the Office of the Prime Minister. Evolving Technologies and Enterprise Development Company Limited (e-Teck), a wholly government-owned enterprise has been added to the Ministry of Trade and Industry.
The Tourism and Industrial Development Company (TIDCO), previously under the Ministry of Trade and Industry, now falls under the Ministry of Finance while the Ministry of Tourism is now responsible for the Tourism Development Company Limited. The newly formed Rural Development Company of Trinidad and Tobago has been placed under the Ministry of Finance.
The Education Facilities Company Limited and the National Schools Dietary Services Limited, two wholly government-owned enterprises, were added to the Ministry of Education.
The Caribbean Industrial Research Institute (CARIRI) and the Institute of Marine Affairs (IMA) were placed under the Ministry of Science, Technology and Tertiary Education, while the Ministry of Works and Transport is now responsible for the National Infrastructure Development Company Limited.
The amendments were made by the President on the advice of the Prime Minister under the provisions of section 79 (1) of the Constitution.