
Top 6 Mistakes To Avoid During Personal Injury Claims in Connecticut

Mistakes To Avoid During Personal Injury Claims

An accident that wasn’t your fault that’s left you with life-altering injuries can be a roller coaster ride of emotions and worries. Even the most easily won personal injury claim where negligence is completely obvious could get mucked up when the victim makes a few honest mistakes. You should never do several things to avoid making things more difficult, especially if you are a first-time victim. We’ll address the top six issues to circumvent during personal injury claims in Connecticut.

Connecticut residents who’ve been hurt in an accident that wasn’t their fault should speak to a Trantolo and Trantolo New Haven attorney to determine their next step. Their experienced personal injury lawyers will fight to ensure a successful settlement.

Top 6 Mistakes To Avoid During a Connecticut Personal Injury Claim

Medical and other bills can add up fast when you’re hurt from an accident that you played no part in and you’ve sustained injuries. A catastrophic injury usually leads to a lifetime of costly medical treatment. Thankfully, Connecticut laws allow victims to seek compensation for their damages. However, there are certain mistakes that claimants can make that can potentially damage their ability to receive the compensation they rightfully deserve.

To avoid these mishaps, here is what every victim filing a personal injury claim should look out for.

Not Hiring a Lawyer

One of the biggest mistakes claimants make is the foolish belief that they can handle their case without the guidance of a lawyer. Regardless of whether negligence is crystal clear or if the at-fault person’s insurance company is already willing to settle, you still need the protection of your rights that only an experienced personal injury attorney can provide. They’re the professionals who know the ins and outs of Connecticut’s complex personal injury laws.

Waiting Too Long to File

Victims with catastrophic injuries may spend their first few months undergoing numerous surgeries or other long-term medical treatments. Although their priority is to work on their recovery, the clock is ticking from the date of their accident in terms of filing a personal injury lawsuit. Connecticut’s statute of limitations for a personal injury case is two years. Filing a lawsuit after this time will result in the civil court rejecting the case.

Damaging Social Media Posts

For most, posting about our lives can be a daily habit on our favorite social media platforms. However, they must be avoided at all costs if you file a personal injury lawsuit. The defendant’s legal team can view what may seem like a harmless photo of you at your niece’s birthday party as proof that your injuries aren’t severe. When filing a personal injury lawsuit, you should refrain from your socials.

Agreeing to a Recorded Statement

Some unscrupulous insurance companies may approach you and allow you to tell your story in a recorded statement. You should avoid it at all costs. They may present this opportunity as a normal part of the negotiation process. However, they’ll ask leading questions to use them against you. Any contact from the defendant’s team should be referred to your lawyer.

Not Following Your Doctor’s Orders

The main reason for filing a personal injury lawsuit is to recover damages and losses caused by the accident. You’ll have the burden of proving that your injuries are valid. Discontinuing treatment or postponing medical appointments and procedures will cast a bad light on your case. To receive a pretrial settlement or successful jury case, you must follow your doctor’s treatment plan to the letter of the law.

Accepting the First Settlement Offer

It’s common for personal injury cases never to see the inside of a courtroom or even hit the discovery phase when both legal teams meet to share evidence. Insurance companies can quickly offer a settlement for victims with a particularly strong case, even before you’ve hired legal representation. Although it may seem like the best and quickest way to obtain an accident settlement, the first offer is never the best. Let your lawyer handle the negotiations with the insurance company, and never sign any agreement before showing it to your legal team.

Don’t Make These Mistakes With Your Personal Injury Claim

When filing a Connecticut personal injury claim, it can almost be too easy to sabotage your case without even realizing it. This highlights the importance of working with an experienced personal injury attorney who can help prevent you from making common mistakes. The best thing you can do is to follow your doctor’s and medical team’s orders and your lawyer’s advice first. Ignoring their expertise can easily lose your right to a successful settlement.

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