
Tenet Florida Hospitals Offer New ER Service Powered by InQuickER

CORAL SPRINGS – Tired of spending hours in a stuffy, overcrowded ER waiting
room? Tenet Florida hospitals have a solution with InQuickER. This is an emergency room service that facilitates patient satisfaction by allowing consumers to hold a place at the ER online, while waiting in the comfort of their own homes.

Beginning Wednesday, May, 4 2011, you can hold your place online at all Tenet Florida hospitals by paying a fee, completing an online form, and arriving at the projected treatment time. You will be seen by a health professional in the emergency room within 15 minutes, or InQuickER will refund your online fee in full. The new
service is only intended for individuals who have non-life threatening medical conditions.

Tenet Florida hospitals participating in the InQuickER program include: Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center; Good Samaritan Medical Center; St. Mary’s Medical Center and the Children’s Hospital at St. Mary’s; Delray Medical Center; West Boca Medical Center; North Shore Medical Center; North Shore Medical Center FMC Campus; Palmetto General Hospital; Hialeah Hospital; and Coral Gables Hospital.

“We know people want more convenience and communication in the ER experience,” explains Dr. David Katzin, chief medical officer, Tenet Florida. “While estimates and averages about emergency room wait times may vary, many emergency room patients end up waiting several hours in waiting rooms with no indication of when they’ll be seen With this service, users enjoy the convenience of choosing where they wait and
a projected time to see a healthcare professional in the emergency room.” “Lowering the time spent in an ER may reduce exposure to some infections spreading in the waiting room,” says Katzin.

InQuickER does not affect the wait times of other emergency room patients, nor does it allow certain individuals to “cut” in front of others.

Additionally, if the projected treatment time changes due to an influx of patients requiring priority treatment, the user will be notified and given an alternate time, or a refund.

Increased demand and decreased capacity are creating traffic jams in ER waiting rooms across the country, according to the American College of Emergency Physicians, creating traffic jams in waiting rooms across the country and adding stress and anguish to an experience that invokes anxiety. To address the growing need to deliver more efficient service, hospitals are utilizing InQuickER to streamline the throughput processes while focusing now, more than ever, on patient satisfaction.

InQuickER has designed safeguards in its system intended to prevent those who have potentially life-threatening medical conditions from using the InQuickER service.

Individuals requiring immediate medical treatment should go immediately to the nearest emergency department or call 911.

At each Tenet Florida hospital, the fee to use these services is $9.99. For more information about holding your place online, please go to:

Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center:

Good Samaritan Medical Center:

St. Mary’s Medical Center:

Children’s Hospital at St. Mary’s:

Delray Medical Center:

West Boca Medical Center:

North Shore Medical Center:

North Shore Medical Center FMC Campus:

Palmetto General Hospital:

Hialeah Hospital:

Coral Gables Hospital:

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