South Florida Cricket Umpires Association Endorses The American College Cricket Spring Break Championship ’09
LAUDERHILL – American College Cricket confirmed that it has the full support of the South Florida Cricket Umpires Association (SFCUA) in its efforts to stage the Inaugural AMERICAN COLLEGE CRICKET SPRING BREAK CHAMPIONSHIP ’09.
The SFCUA presently has 17 Umpires whose objective is to service all Cricket Associations in South Florida for regional, national and international Matches. Nine of the seventeen Umpires are ICC and West Indies certified.
“We look forward to the Championship. We’ll do our best to make sure that the Cricket student-athletes enjoy their Championship. We have the rules that will apply to this competition and we’ll be flexible in its application.” stated Danny Khan, President of SFCUA.
The support of the SFCUA is another example of the efforts that American College Cricket is undertaking to ensure that the Tournament is run in a professional manner. “We want to make sure that the student athletes who represent their respective Universities have a wonderful experience. We want to lay down a foundation that will ensure that future American College Cricket Spring Break Championships will grow by leaps and bounds. We want our sponsors to be proud of their association with the Championship especially Shiv Chanderpaul who has provided a magnificent Championship trophy that will be awarded to the winning team” said Loyd Jodah, President of American College Cricket.