Resolution Recognizing Trinidad and Tobago Emancipation Day in Miami-Dade County Passes
MIAMI-DADE – Commissioner Kionne L. McGhee sponsored a resolution that passed during the Board of County Commissioners meeting on Tuesday, November 1, recognizing August 1, 2023, and every subsequent year thereafter, as Trinidad and Tobago Emancipation Day.
“We have many Trinbagonian people in Miami-Dade County, and many who are leaders in our communities. They deserve to celebrate their ancestors’ resiliency and accomplishments. I’m happy to bring Trinidad and Tobago Emancipation Day to our County, and I look forward to recognizing this special day every year,” said Commissioner McGhee.
Miami-Dade County is home to many Trinbagonian people whose ancestors were enslaved by the British Empire and gained their freedom on August 1, 1838. In 1985, Trinidad and Tobago declared August 1 as a national holiday to observe the abolishment of African slavery. In Trinidad and Tobago, there are African cultural events, exhibitions, and performances on display to commemorate this holiday.