Red Cross urges renewed preparedness for hurricane season
MIAMI – Hurricane season starts June 1st and there’s never any guarantee that this or any season will be calm for South Florida. While were all spared a direct hit during the past few years, some residents have been lulled into a false sense of security. The American Red Cross urges everyone to dust off their disaster supply kits because now is the time to prepare, long before any storm threatens our community.
“By taking three basic preparedness actions you can be Red Cross Ready for disasters and other emergencies: 1) Get a kit, 2) Make a plan and 3) Be informed,” said Sam Tidwell, CEO of the American Red Cross Greater Miami & The Keys.

“Your local Red Cross is here to help prepare you for specific disasters like hurricanes. Even if you took these steps last year, it’s important that you revisit and update your communication plan and check your disaster supplies kit for expired items.”
The American Red Cross recommends the following preparedness actions:
Get a Kit:
– A three-day supply of water (one gallon per person, per day) and ready-to-eat non-perishable foods
– A manual can opener and cooking utensils
– A battery-powered radio and flashlight and plenty of extra batteries
– A first-aid kit and reference guide
– Prescription and non-prescription medication items, eye glasses, contact lenses, and hearing aid batteries
– Copies of important documents
– Cash. ATMs and credit cards won’t work if the power is out
Make a Plan
– Meet with your family to create a plan. Plan to share responsibilities and work together as a team.
– Identify two meeting places; One right outside your home and one outside your neighborhood
– Tell your family about the Safe and Well website at
– Take a Red Cross first-aid and CPR class.
Be Informed:
– Find out what types of disasters are likely to occur in your area and how to prepare for them.
– Find out how local authorities will contact you during a disaster. Listen to local media broadcasts or NOAA Weather Radio.
– Contact your local Red Cross for details about community disaster education presentations.
– If you are told to evacuate, do so immediately.
Damage caused by Hurricane Andrew in 1992. Rubble piled in a convenience store, with the roof missing. This was on the S side of Quail Roost at the Turnpike,
(Photo by Roger Edwards)
For more information regarding how to prepare for disasters or to purchase emergency preparedness and first-aid kits, visit or contact 305-644-1200.