
Pro bono legal counsel for residents facing foreclosure encouraged by Miami Commissioner

MIAMI – A resolution sponsored by Commissioner Barbara J. Jordan encouraging local bar associations to assist persons facing foreclosure was approved by the Economic Development and Human Services Committee meeting on Wednesday, September 10 at the County Commission Chambers.

The legislation specifically asks these associations to request that their members provide pro bono legal representation in foreclosure cases where residents may not be able to afford legal defense or advice.

“Many residents battling foreclosure don’t have the financial means to seek legal counsel in preventing or defending the loss of their homes,” said Commissioner Jordan. “If local attorneys were willing to take on more pro bono work for these types of cases, it would certainly give residents a better chance to overcome their mortgage troubles.”

The Miami-Dade Consumer Services Department has been working with the Dade County Bar Association to create a partnership to provide legal assistance for homeowners facing foreclosure.

On September 10, the Bar approved the department’s motion to establish a Mortgage Foreclosure Assistance Program and hold a community event whereby homeowners can explore their legal options and possibly qualify for free legal representation.

“Foreclosure is the most significant issue affecting our country and especially our county. Approximately 5,000 foreclosures in the past year have impacted our area. The number of residents in dire need is staggering, and we are doing what we can to help lift them out of trouble,” said Consumer Advocate Leonard Elias, Esq. of the Miami-Dade Consumer Services Department.

The resolution will be up for consideration at a later meeting by the County Commission.

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